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The following reports are available on the DataMilk Web Application User Interface in the Dashboard.

API definitions are provided in case the developer needs to access the information programmatically. The following API allows the user to retrieve reports from the system about various things including API behavior and consumption.

All reports are in table format with columns and values. The first section covers the generic reporting API followed by the specific type of reports, fields, and options.


This api method provides descriptions of all the reports available in the system.

export type ReportFieldType = 'number' | 'string' | 'boolean' | 'Date';

export interface ReportFieldEnumMeta {
name: string;
label: string;

export interface ReportFieldMeta {
name: string;
description: string;
type: ReportFieldType;
enums?: ReportFieldEnumMeta[];

export interface ReportMeta {
id: string;
name: string;
description: string;
fields: ReportFieldMeta[];

export type ReportMetasGetRequest = DmRequest;

export interface ReportMetasGetResponse {
reportMetas: ReportMeta[];


Use this method to fetch report data from the system.


export type AggregationPeriod = 'HOUR' | 'DAY' | 'WEEK' | 'MONTH' | 'ALL';

export interface ReportGetRequest {
reportMetaId: string;
start?: number;
limit?: number;
orderBy?: OrderBy[];
aggregateBy?: AggregationPeriod;
filterBy?: FilterItem;

export type ReportRecord = Record<string, any>;

export interface ReportGetResponse {
fields: ReportFieldMeta[];
records: ReportRecord[];

The response contains descriptions of the fields and records of data provided as a map from field name to value.

API Stats Report

This report allows the developer to retrieve usage statistics for one or more API endpoints. It's often useful to aggregate this data in order to get counts for periods of time such as by day, and hour.

Report Meta Example

name: 'Api Stats Report',
'Information on specific api calls or aggregation of api calls over a period of time.',
fields: [
name: 'apiInstanceId',
type: 'string',
description: 'Unique id of the api instance if applicable',
name: 'requestType',
type: 'string',
description: 'Type of request',
enums: [
{ name: 'ContentRecommendation', label: 'Personal Expected Value' },
{ name: 'EngagementCounter', label: 'Personal Bandit' },
{ name: 'OutlierDetection', label: 'Counter' },
name: 'count',
type: 'number',
description: 'How many times the api was called.',
name: 'occurred',
type: 'Date',
description: 'When the API call occured',
name: 'request',
type: 'string',
description: 'Request from client in JSON format. Not aggregatable',
name: 'response',
type: 'string',
description: 'Response from server in JSON format. Not aggregatable',


apiInstanceIdstringThe id of the api being queried.
apiTypestringThe type of API, e.g. PEV, PBandit, Counters, OutlierDetection
countnumberNumber of times API call was made.
occurredDateWhen the request was made.
requeststringJSON formatted request made from the client. (Not available when aggregated)
responsestringJSON formatted response made from the server (Not available when aggregated)

Example - Number api calls per apiType for Jan 20, 2023


aggregateBy: AggregationPeriod.ALL,
filterBy: {
type: FilterItemType.Logical,
operator: 'AND',
value: [
type: FilterItemType.Comparison,
name: 'occurred',
operator: '>=',
value: '2023-01-01T00:00:00Z',
type: FilterItemType.Comparison,
name: 'occurred',
operator: '<',
value: '2023-01-02T00:00:00Z',


fields: [
{ name: 'apiInstanceId', type: 'string', description: 'Unique id of the api instance' },
name: 'apiType',
type: 'string',
description: 'Type of API',
enums: [
{ name: 'Recommendation', label: 'Personal Expected Value' },
{ name: 'EngagementCounter', label: 'Personal Bandit' },
{ name: 'OutlierDetection', label: 'Personal Bandit' },
{ name: 'occurred', type: 'Date', description: 'When the API call occured' },
{ name: 'count', type: 'number', description: 'How many times the api was called.' },
records: [
{ apiInstanceId: 'gds53gss3', apiType: 'PVR', occurred: '2023-01-01T00:00:00Z', count: '12552' },
{ apiInstanceId: 'ihi242dss', apiType: 'PVR', occurred: '2023-01-01T00:00:00Z', count: '12' },
{ apiInstanceId: 'fdsf2341', apiType: 'Counter', occurred: '2023-01-01T00:00:00Z', count: '24655' },

Personal Expected Value Stats Report

titlestringTitle of the page as extracted by DataMilk
urlstringThe page url that was served.
imageUrlstring (optional)Top image for collection or product pages (not applicable for search results)
percentageRecommendednumberOut of the last n API responses (n TBD), what percentage of API responses contained this item. NB. Not built yet
countRecommendednumberHow many times this item was sent in a response.
averagePositionnumberThe average position in the API response list of results. E.g. 2 would indicate on average this was the second item in the response.
popularityScorenumberA score representing how likely visitors are to visit this page across last n API responses
salesScorenumberScore representing how likely visitors are to convert after visiting this page across last n API responses
orderValueScorenumberScore representing the typical value of purchases after visitors visit this page across last n requests
optimizationGoalScorenumberOptimization goal score Aggregate of the personalized scores over the last n sessions Default goal is pEV later will be settable to popularity, sales or value
pageTypestringFor example: ' ProductCollection', 'Product', or 'SearchResults'

Personal expected value algorithms serve content optimized for specific goals such as click through rate, AOV, and conversion rate. Developers can see the general statistical behavior of these Api instances with this report such as what items are being recommended the most, most likely to convert, have highest AOV for the shoppers that visited the site.