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Personalized Value Ranking (PVR)

When visiting an ecommerce website, each shopper is different and has a different intent. As the shopper uses the site, the platform learns more about the shopper's intent and the intent may also change over time.

For a clothing site, for example, some shoppers may be looking for hats, pants or shoes. The DataMilk system provides content to optimize the journey of shoppers to help them find the things they are looking for with highest likelihood of conversion and revenue.

The PVR API returns a list of items that the AI algorithm determined was the best match for the optimization goal (e.g. highest likelihood to convert, highest revenue generation, highest probability of click through). This API is typically used directly from the shopping site which is running on a shopper’s browser.


Product Collections

Commerce websites typically have collections of products (aka Product Listing Pages - PLP) that group similar products together. For example, there is a collection for Sports Shoes, Casual Shoes, or Dancing Shoes. Each collection contains a set of products that fit in that collection. This API will return an optimal list of collection PageContentItems with title, image(s), and url. This information can be used to render a Smart Navigation UX element or similar UI to show rankings for the user to explore.

An example is shown below of a Smart Navigation component that is available from DataMilk.

In the same way, the page can display products and search terms that other shoppers with similar usage signals are interested in.

Search Terms

Shoppers often use the search functionality of a website to find what they are looking for. They may, for example, search for “shoes”. Other users who have searched for “shoes” with similar intent have also searched other terms that eventually resulted in the desired optimization goal. In this case, the AI Algorithm will provide a list of search terms in priority order that optimize personal value for the current user. This information can be used to generate a UI element that displays search terms and the associated search results page when the user clicks on a search term.

An example is shown below of a Smart Related Search widget that is available from DataMilk which uses this AI Algorithm.


Content Ranking API has a few additional configuration options in addition to the default Configuration depending on the algorithm you choose. Personal Expected Value Algorithm Configuration

export enum PvrOptimizationGoal {
AOV = 'AOV',
ConversionRate = 'Conversion Rate',
EV = 'EV',

export enum ItemsMode {
// Only Items that are marked explicitly as qa=true are served.
OnlyIncluded = 'OnlyIncluded',

// All items are served except items marked explicitly as qa=false
AllButExcluded = 'AllButExcluded',

export enum PageType {
ProductCollection = 'ProductCollection',
Product = 'Product',
SearchResults = 'SearchResults',

export interface PvrAPIConfiguration extends APIConfiguration {
maxItems?: number;
optimizationGoal?: PvrOptimizationGoal;
pageType: PageType;
itemsMode: ItemsMode;


Fetch a set of personalized content items ranked by importance depending on the API Algorithm configuration.

export interface PvrRankingGetRequest extends DmAlgRequest {
maxItems?: number;

Note: The SDK automatically sends language and user context information from the DataMilk Attention Data Script info on the browser as part of this API.

export interface PvrRankingGetResponse extends DmResponse {
items: ContentItem[];



requestType: RequestType.GetPvrContentRanking,
apiInstanceId: '0e4519802ad0',
maxItems: 2,


serverVersion: latestVersion,
responseType: RequestType.GetPvrRanking,
responseCode: ResponseCode.OK,
items: [
id: 'f550f40c-75af-4bc2-9998-c910130ea02a',
type: 'Page',
pageType: 'ProductCollection',
url: '/collections/beanies',
title: 'Beanies',
id: '648c8382-ff19-40a2-b4e9-b54306cd8d04',
type: 'Page',
pageType: 'ProductCollection',
url: '/collections/disney-x-lym',
title: 'Disney x LYM',